He warms your hand, baby.
Your names in the sand, baby.
He warms your hand, baby.
A good man to a better lady.
Author: Stephan Reed
Embrace For Impact
Find me under rubble,
Buried by staring daggers.
Troubled by your silence.
Ready for new disaster.
The Harvest Moon Interview
Let nacreous grace engulf reality
And illustrate a novel landscape.
Hydroponics & Purgatory
I’ll tend to these struggling roots,
And let loose one last dove,
In hope my anguish finds you.
And this broken branch is enough.
Expiration Dates & Dust
“Don’t mistake those oncoming lights
For a rarefied solar flare.
And don’t mistake a solar flare
For an insurmountable sign from God.”
On The Fence
I tried to mend them;
Your pickets, your posts.
But I can’t outlast him;
His ambit, his ghost.
From Martyr, To Mariner
Some people like storms.
I like people – & storms inside of them.
Fire Escape
Please. Burn with me.
Intentionally, without hesitation.
Spread my ashes.
Exhale your pain & let’s dance again.
Reach For The Crown
It’s not like me to look away from a good thing.
But I’m blinding myself with these dream nights & daydreams.
Spare Chains & Trauma Bondage
It’s a stark, welcome truth;
A universe of controlled chaos.
Tortured beauty, stained-glass grace;
Torched their Lover’s deceit & beds of rot.